April 08, 2007
April 06, 2007
The Coolamon Kid

News From Hout Bay by Phumlani Nyanga The Coolamon KiD
Here in Phumlani's own words is his story.
Here in Phumlani's own words is his story.
I lived the life of thousands of other people in the informal settlements. I am 16 years old. I have a brother and three sisters. Two of my sisters have two children each and my other sister is younger than me. I have a mother and a father.
In early 1999 I was living in the Transkei with my Grandmother. Due to difficulties I was sent to Cape Town (Hout Bay) which is a town ship. A year later I started school at the Moravian Primary school which was nearby. I was in Grade 2. When I passed Grade 3 I was sent to another school called Llandudno Primary which was an English speaking school. This transfer changed my life completely because it brought me to a high school called Camps Bay High. When I was in Llandudno I was a well known person who was a sportsman and I had a lot of nice friends. Some I still see today.
When I finished primary school at Llandudno I thought my schooling was messed up because I was at an English school and the High School I thought for me would be the local one was almost entirely Afrikaans.
One day a volunteer at James House said he would see what he can find for someone to sponsor me for high school. He later told me that he had found an organisation which was called The KiDS Foundation and that they were going to sponsor me. I was very happy. For the first time I went to Camps Bay High School. In grade 8 everything was different but at the end of the year I passed grade 8 and now am in grade 9. Thank you to Andrey for organising me a sponsor and thank you to The KiDS Foundation for letting me go to such a wonderful high school.
During 2000 I came to James House because at home there were difficulties and problems which led my parents to fight and argue a lot. When I first came to James House I wasn’t happy because I wasn’t used to the place and I ran away quite often but finally realized that James House was going to keep me safe and look after me. I have been taken care of and I am treated well.
I am very happy to have a home in James House because everyone cares for one another and they helped me when I needed help to find someone who would take care of my education. I feel very safe and strong but one day when I leave I will definitely not forget all of the people who have helped me, my family and with my education.
Editor's Note:
Phumlani has asked me to leave out the circumstances which found him being taken care of by the James House orphanage, as the reasons are too painfull for him to have published here for all to see. He is a proud young man and we are very happy to be able to help this young man to a better life.
The information is provided by Jooles Pienaar
Public Relations and Fundraising
The KiDS Foundation
Hout Bay Cape Town.

April 03, 2007
Swedish GSE Team in Ganmain
The Swedish GSE Team had a "quiet" day in Ganmain before the district conference.
A visit to one of the last hay stacks to be built.
Where is the needle?
The 5 team members posing.
L to R Magnus, Mans, Anna, Anita and Mattias.
The visit to the straw bale house in Ganmain.
Mattias and Wiradjuri Elder Aunty Flo Grant.
Aunty Flo told many stories of the past and was well received.
Magnus contemplating a straw bale cabin for the Arctic Circle where he lives.
The Swedes had a great time and a memorable one with roo, emu and croc on the menu.
Plus a few bottles of Charles Sturt University fine wines.
Plus a few bottles of Charles Sturt University fine wines.